August 21st, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

Get started quickly with Hibernate Annotations and JPA2

Getting started with Hibernate and JPA (Java Persistence API) can be tricky, but this step-by-step tutorial explains exactly what needs to be done to set up your application to use this technology. This chapter covers very basic mapping and persistence.

When we are finished with this tutorial, we will have a standalone Java SE application with database connectivity. This article is part of a series: Guide to Hibernate Annotations.
September 14th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

JSF’s <h:dataTable> vs <ui:repeat> – How to get the selected row.

So, a little while ago I was attempting to use JSF’s Facelets <ui:repeat> tag, as a replacement for <h:dataTable>, but difficulty came when I needed to process actions on individual records of each row. <ui:repeat> allows iteration over a List of Array[] of items, but it does not provide a method of discovering the “selected” or “actioned” row; there’s no way to discover the row the user is interacting with. Or is there?
August 30th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

Calling All PrettyFaces Users!

Are you using PrettyFaces on a project you can share about?

Looking for real-world experiences:
  • How has PrettyFaces helped you or your team?
  • What would you change if you could (you can)?
  • If you would like to share, show us your work of art!
Email to: Thank you! PS – In addition: If you’d like to be added to our new “People using PrettyFaces” page, also send a logo and a short description of your product or company!
August 24th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces JSF1.1 UrlRewriting Support – Released


A new version of PrettyFaces for JSF1.1 (historical support) is now available for download. This version is feature-complete, but we are looking for feedback on compatibility and functionality that may be broken with various implementations, so please post comments!
May 19th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

Facelets vs. JSF2 & EzComp

Several things that make life painful with Facelets are fixed with JSF2 & EzComp. Take a look at some of the nicer things to come:
April 14th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces 1.2.3_GA Released


Version 1.2.3_GA: binary, source, documentation (stable) Minor Release: 20090415
  1. Added optional <action onPostback=”false”> boolean flag to prevent action methods from being called on form postback. Defaults to true;
  2. Added optional <query-param decode=”false”> to prevent from being called on a specific managed query-parameter. Defaults to true;
  3. Added unit tests for several critical classes.
  4. Minor to moderate refactoring of PrettyFilter/PrettyContext
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March 31st, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces v1.2.3_RC2 Released


Version 1.2.3_RC2: binary, source, documentation (stable) Minor Release: 20090331
  1. Servlet forwards are working
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March 19th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces v1.2.3_RC1 Released


Version 1.2.3_RC1: binary, source, documentation (stable) Minor Release: 20090319
  1. Managed query-params now accept multiple parameters of the same name: E.g.: String[] names — would accept a list of parameters (with the same name) from the request
  2. Enhanced configuration loading — PrettyFaces now looks for /META-INF/pretty-config.xml by default, in addition to accepting a comma-separated list of user config-files in the web.xml init param: com.ocpsoft.pretty.CONFIG_FILES — submitted by Aleksei Valikov
  3. JSP support for standard attributes on the pretty:link tag has been fixed. The pretty link will now accept style=’mystyle’ and other attributes — from Derek Hollis at OcpSoft
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March 18th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces v1.1.x, v1.2.x, v2.0.x Docs (legacy)


Setting up PrettyFaces is simple.
December 8th, 2008 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces 1.1.0 Released

A new release of the PrettyFaces JSF extension for Bookmarkable/Pretty URLs is now availible for download. This release includes several new features.