September 10th, 2009 by
Lincoln Baxter III
JSF2: How to Create a Global Ajax Status Indicator
So, one of the best ways I know of to tell a user that they should be waiting for something to finish, is by setting the cursor to ‘wait’. It’s how desktop applications do it. It’s how the operating system does it… it’s how ajax should probably do it (if you want to solve the user wait interaction globally.)
With JSF2, it’s easy to accomplish!
This blog is based on Jim Driscoll’s blog, “
Busy status indicator with JSF 2.” — for attaching a status to an individual event.
In your XHTML page, make sure that you output the JSF2 ajax libraries:
<h:outputScript library="javax.faces" name="jsf.js" /> |
<h:outputScript library="javax.faces" name="jsf.js" />
Now, in Javascript:
Make sure this javascript is only executed once per page, or you might get conflicting updates.
* ***************************************
* Busy Status
if (!window["busystatus"]) {
var busystatus = {};
busystatus.onStatusChange = function onStatusChange(data) {
var status = data.status;
alert("ajax event triggered")
if (status === "begin") { // turn on busy indicator = 'wait';
} else { // turn off busy indicator, on either "complete" or "success" = 'auto';
jsf.ajax.addOnEvent(busystatus.onStatusChange); |
* ***************************************
* Busy Status
if (!window["busystatus"]) {
var busystatus = {};
busystatus.onStatusChange = function onStatusChange(data) {
var status = data.status;
alert("ajax event triggered")
if (status === "begin") { // turn on busy indicator = 'wait';
} else { // turn off busy indicator, on either "complete" or "success" = 'auto';
And that’s all there is to it! Your mouse cursor will now change to the hourglass when a user triggers any JSF2 ajax event.
Posted in
Very good idea!
Thanks for the tip, very useful!
Thanks! You save my day.
Can’t believe it could be so simple. Thanks for sharing.