Java Date and Time Natural Language Parsing NLP
PrettyTime :: NLP
The simplest, smallest natural language java.util.Date and human time parsing library for Java: Computers understanding people.
PrettyTime :: NLP is an OpenSource, Java Library – enabling simple parsing and computer understanding of natural language, and social date references like, “let’s go to dinner at 6,” or “I’ll be on vacation for three days”. Get involved in the project »
1. Include PrettyTime :: NLP in your Project
Add PrettyTime :: NLP to your maven pom.xmlOr download the JARs
<dependency> <groupId>org.ocpsoft.prettytime</groupId> <artifactId>prettytime-nlp</artifactId> <version>${version.prettytime}</version> </dependency> <!-- To use snapshots, you must also use the Sonatype Snapshots respository --> <repository> <id>sonatype-snapshots</id> <url></url> </repository>
2. Use PrettyTimeParser
PrettyTime NLP is simple, and requires interfacing with only a single class,PrettyTimeParser
Parse your first natural date
package com.example; import org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.PrettyTimeParser; public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Date> dates = new PrettyTimeParser().parse("I'm going to the beach in three days!"); System.out.println(dates); // Prints: "[Sun Dec 12 13:45:12 CET 2013]" } }
3. Get more detailed.
You can also get more detailed results from the text, including whether or not dates are recurring, and when they recur until:
Parse recurring dates
@Test public void testParseSyntaxRecurring() { List<DateGroup> parse = new PrettyTimeParser().parseSyntax("I eat fish every three days"); Assert.assertFalse(parse.isEmpty()); String formatted = new PrettyTime().format(parse.get(0).getDates().get(0)); Assert.assertEquals("3 days from now", formatted); Assert.assertEquals(1, parse.get(0).getLine()); Assert.assertEquals(14, parse.get(0).getPosition()); Assert.assertEquals(1, parse.get(0).getDates().size()); Assert.assertNull(parse.get(0).getRecursUntil()); Assert.assertTrue(parse.get(0).isRecurring()); Assert.assertEquals(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3, parse.get(0).getRecurInterval()); }
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