Rewrite 1.1.0.Final introduces the OutputBuffer – What Servlet always wanted but could never have
Output buffering is a feature often desired but rarely properly implemented – Properly resetting the Response stream, preserving headers correctly, writing to disk so you don’t overflow the JVM memory space – in Rewrite, we hope to make this attainable for anyone seeking to do things like:
Combine that with a little bit of Rewrite-style configuration, and you’ve got a simple recipe for output modification. Some of the features to come in Rewrite 2.0, including a simplified output Transform API, are based on this technology. So if you want to get a head start, you can try a 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT, or just wait a few weeks 🙂
- Dynamic minification of HTML, JavaScript, and/or CSS files
- Modification of output HTML or content before it is sent to the client.
- Reduction of build and development complexity by transforming LESS or SASS files into CSS on the Server
- Got more ideas?… tell us.?
Create an OutputBuffer
import; import; import org.ocpsoft.common.util.Streams; public class OutputToLowercase implements OutputBuffer { @Override public InputStream execute(InputStream input) { String contents = Streams.toString(input); return new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.toLowerCase().getBytes()); } }
Use it in your ConfigurationProviderSource
public Configuration getConfiguration(final ServletContext context) { return ConfigurationBuilder.begin() .addRule() .when(Path.matches("/index.html")) .perform(Response.withOutputBufferedBy(new OutputToLowercase())); }
Get Rewrite version 1.1.0.Final, or see everything that’s new.
Features & Enhancements:
- Enabled fluent chaining of additional Condition and Operation instances when adding single/custom rules by calling
ConfigurationBuilder.addRule(new CustomRule()).when(...).perform(...);
- Added Response output buffering support
- JAAS support with JAASRoles condition
- Content Delivery Network support with CDN rule
- Typesafe method invocation support
- Issue #30 – Tasks may now be performed in a SubFlow without affecting the Flow of the entire Rewrite event.
- Preview of Transformer APIs
- Preview of Annotation Configuration API
Regression Impact:
- Configuration strings are now literal. Regular expressions must be configured through a parameter such as:
- Join no longer matches Forwarded requests.
- EL API is now a separate module and the Java package name has changed to ‘org.ocpsoft.rewrite.el’
Bug Fixes:
- Parameter binding now works on Join rules.
- Issue #67 – Keep order of fluent rules when building configuration.
- Fixed NumberFormatException on EncodeQuery operation when hashCode of checksum is modified
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception for parsing query-strings with a separator but no content “?”
- Fixed showcase applications
- Issue #51 – Join no longer matches its own Forwarded requests.
- Fixed GWT integration issue where context path was not correctly transmitted when client application is hosted under the root URL “/”
- TypeBasedExpression no longer requires the expression to be surrounded by “#{…}”
- Fixed bug where container would swallow certain resource requests, resulting in false 404 errors
- Issue #32 – PhaseBinding defers validation and conversion until within the JSF lifecycle.
- Issue #33 – ClassVisitorImpl now supports adding rules to the ConfigurationBuilder if necessary
- Fixed some bugs with URLEncoding/URLDecoding
Posted in Releases