December 24th, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

2013 Holiday technology recap and predictions


Happy holidays, I hope everyone is relaxing and having a great time with their families and loved ones. To help see out the last year, and ring in the new one, I’ve prepared a (hopefully relaxing) article on some trends we’ve seen in 2012, and what that could mean for us in the next year and years to come. So if you want to take a break from the holiday din, then head over to JAXEnter and check out my article. The technologies I discuss are Rewrite, OCPsoft’s own, and Errai, by Red Hat.

Be safe, and I’ll see you all in the new year, ~Lincoln

December 5th, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

[announcement] Guide to translate PrettyTime to your native language

If you’ve ever looked for social-style date formatting for Java, to create timestamps like, “2 minutes from now” or “3 months ago,” [[PrettyTime]] is probably the tool you’ve ended up with, and as you might know, it supports over 25 languages and dialects – a great number to be sure. But what happens when you come across one of the over 4500 living languages that are not supported?

Well, then it’s time to do some translation, and in order to help you manage this task, we’ve created a guide to help you get through as quickly and easily as possible. When you’re done, you might even want to submit your translation back to us so that everyone else can benefit from your hard work. The guide covers this, too. It takes only a minute or so to read the guide and get started! Let us know how you do.

November 2nd, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

[video] GWT and Errai UI Quickstart

I wish I had a magic GWT + Errai quickstart tutorial for you. But in fact, I do! Check out this video, and the tutorial below, to start your adventure with client side HTML5 templating in GWT!

October 8th, 2012 by Team

[podcast] Lincoln Baxter and Kito Mann on Java

Join Lincoln Baxter of OCPsoft and Kito Mann of Virtua, Inc. as they discuss several emerging projects in Java. The transcript and MP3 can be found at Virtua’s site. This podcast was recorded at JAXConf in San Francisco, 2012.

September 19th, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

How to @Inject Enum values into CDI beans

I was recently asked how to Inject a Java Enum into a bean constructor using CDI. This turns out to be a fairly interesting situation, because enums are not usually available for Injection.

September 18th, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

New tutorial: Regular expressions

Do you love regular expressions as much as I do?

Well even if you don’t, I am pleased to announce a new tutorial: “OCPsoft’s guide to [[Regular Expressions]].” As part of an ongoing initiative to promote awareness of regular expressions, and how they are used both as a general technology, but also specifically as applied to the Java programming language, we will be continuing to add new example-based guides to this course.

Please feel free to post questions and comments if there are topics or specific problems that you would like to see addressed. We will do our best to answer your questions and share the knowledge!

Check out [[Regular Expressions|the tutorial]].


August 22nd, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

[video] Enhance developer productivity, usability, and security

Java EE is already the perfect solution for complex business/enterprise systems and provides all the tools and foundations required to deliver scalable, performant applications for a wide variety of customers and clients.

But how does the end user experience stack up? How easy is it to navigate through your Website? Is your code full of nasty navigation logic? Are your links clear, transparent, and informative? Do you find yourself adding ‘?query=parameters’ in order to serve dynamic content from your application? Can you ensure that you are not leaking information in your URLs, and that your applications are secure from URL-based attacks? Are your old links making it difficult to migrate or integrate a legacy application to a new one?

These are all things that URL rewriting can help with, and if you are uncertain about any of these questions, this talk is for you. Watch this session from JAXConf 2012 and see what’s possible with the power of URL-rewriting.

For more information on the [[Rewrite]] project, visit the project homepage at [[Rewrite | OCPsoft]], and be sure to check out all of the other cool Java open-source projects while you’re here.
August 21st, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

Get started quickly with Hibernate Annotations and JPA2

Getting started with Hibernate and JPA (Java Persistence API) can be tricky, but this step-by-step tutorial explains exactly what needs to be done to set up your application to use this technology. This chapter covers very basic mapping and persistence.

When we are finished with this tutorial, we will have a standalone Java SE application with database connectivity. This article is part of a series: Guide to Hibernate Annotations.
August 17th, 2012 by Lincoln Baxter III

CDI-powered Unit Testing using Arquillian

When developing any system or software, it is important to test as much of that system as possible. Web frameworks are no exception; comprehensive, well-designed unit tests are critical for long-term success and maintenance. With the introduction of Contexts and Dependency Injection into the Java Enterprise framework (otherwise known as CDI – Weld, or Apache OpenWebBeans,) unit testing is as important as ever, but it would be nice to harness the power of dependency injection for use in unit tests, as well as in the production system!
August 9th, 2012 by Team

OCPsoft tools featured in ZeroTurnaround productivity report

OCPsoft Founder Lincoln Baxter, III was interviewed by ZeroTurnaround, the makers of JRebel, about his take on developer productivity, and new rapid development tools from JBoss.

Featured technologies in this interview are OCPsoft’s SocialPM, and also Errai (from JBoss,) a GWT-based web-development framework for creating highly distributed and responsive web applications. Read the interview on the ZeroTurnaround website.