January 28th, 2010 by Derek Hollis

One year’s time

It is amazing what can be done in exactly one year’s time.  January 17th will have been the 2nd anniversary since Lincoln Baxter and I started OcpSoft.  It’s been one seriously fun, and wild, ride with JavaServer Faces and the open-source community.  I want to take a moment to talk about my partner’s success story and what he has accomplished in just one short year.
May 12th, 2009 by Derek Hollis

Static Analysis tools > Experience

When developers choose to enforce Static Analysis tools (i.e. JTest or PMD) they might have the best intentions at heart, but are actually making the code worse in the long run.  The value of the programmer’s experience and expertise on the code is not considered. Static analysis tools are automated programs that run a set of rules against source code to produce metrics, and give advice on best practices. So why does using these tools lead to bad code? 
October 16th, 2008 by Derek Hollis

Acegi/Spring Security JSF Integration Project continued

We’ve gotten a good number of comments from Lincoln’s latest post on Spring Security and JSF.  A few comments have asked for further code samples on how to get this example working. We created a runnable project for this example, and it can be downloaded here.