January 16th, 2015 by Lincoln Baxter III

Simple Java EE (JSF) Login Page with JBoss PicketLink Security

Several years ago I wrote a tutorial about using Acegi/Spring Security with JavaServer Faces (JSF) to create a simple authentication / Login page; however, times have changed and Java EE is back in action. I would no longer consider Spring a “requirement” when building a Java EE application. More specifically, if you are using the core Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) framework that serves as the backbone for the entire Java EE framework, Spring Security becomes less attractive (because it’s not compatible without using Spring itself, and Spring is a replacement for CDI).

This article will explore how to create a JSF login backed by the standards-compliant CDI framework (that is included with Java EE), and the PicketLink security framework (an open-source project from JBoss). Examples for this article were sourced from the very comprehensive, and quite understandable quick-start application from the PicketLink project itself.

April 3rd, 2013 by Lincoln Baxter III

Set up an anti-spam filter for your website with mod_security and fail2ban

top apache2 cpu usage

Frequently spammers target products such as wordpress, web forum software, phpMyAdmin, and other common tools used by hobbyist and professional website administrators.

Whether you are hosting your own blog, or running a website for your company or more, it can be difficult to deal with the increasing amount of malicious web traffic seen on a daily basis, while still allowing friendly crawlers such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN search engines.

This harmful and wasteful traffic may damage your system or simply waste its resources, slowing down the site for your more welcome users. If this sounds familiar to you, but your page hits don’t seem to add up, then you may want to consider taking some of the measures outlined below in order to secure your site from harmful hacks and sluggish spam.