August 3rd, 2016 by Team

Rewrite 3.4.0.Final Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce the latest version of the Rewrite Servlet Toolkit, and PrettyFaces libraries. It’s been quite a while since our last release, but we promise you this new version has been worth the wait.

Release notes:

You might notice we skipped a few version numbers, which we’ve done for several reasons:

  • This is a major update, so we incremented from major version 2 to version 3.
  • The deprecated (original) prettyfaces-jsf library, which is now several years obsolete was versioned 3.3.3, and has been confusing new users for some time. We are now resolving this issue by skipping directly to Rewrite version 3.4.0.Final.

This release includes several major new features as well as a plethora of bug-fixes, including:

  • Support for JDK6 has been dropped, JDK7 is the new minimum requirement
  • Improved compatibility with JDK8 for the annotation scanning
  • Major performance improvements in the logging subsystem
  • Major performance improvements with the URLBuilder
  • Fixed some concurrency issues which occurred in high load scenarios
  • Many improvements for the LocaleTransposition feature
  • Support conditional parameters with JSF’s <f:param>
  • Fault tolerant percent decoding for path and query parameters
  • Simpler condition trees when binding query parameters using annotations, results in better faster evaluation performance
  • Fixes handling of context path for applications deployed to the root context
  • Improved error reporting. Exception stack traces now display the rule that errored and the location where that rule was defined (including file and line number)
  • Strict RuleBuilder ordering and structure enforcement

Thank you for continuing to support us, provide valuable feedback, and use our technologies.

And of course, please get involved in the project at