March 23rd, 2010 by Lincoln Baxter III

Using Embedded Glassfish with Maven

Three steps to add Embedded GlassFish to any existing project POM. The Embedded Glassfish project is hosted on, and as it is described, is very simple: “This project develops APIs and tools around “embedded GlassFish v3″. Embedded GFv3 is a delivery vehicle of GFv3 so that applications and tools can use GFv3 just as a library, inside their JVM, instead of having GFv3 as the overload of the entire JVM process. (And no, embedded GFv3 is not meant to be run on JavaME.)”
March 17th, 2010 by Lincoln Baxter III

Why doesn’t (JPA, JMS, JTA, EJB, JSF, CDI) work? JEE is “Too Complicated”

First, before reading this – you’re going to be upset with me. You’re going to disagree. I know — it’s OK. You may not even believe me, but you might keep reading because anger inspires action.

March 4th, 2010 by Lincoln Baxter III

Improving Community – The power of good, centralized documentation.

If you’ve ever programmed in PHP, Ruby, Perl, Groovy, and probably others, then you know how nice it is to have a central, official space for reference documentation and inline community feedback. This is something that has sorely been missing from the JEE community, and something that has caused many disparate websites to attempt putting forward a weak effort in providing useful documentation — you leave the community part aside to think that this is a good thing for any open-source technology.