September 30th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces: Hear about it at JSFSummit!

OcpSoft co-founder Lincoln Baxter will be speaking about PrettyFaces at JSFSummit, in Orlando FL – Dec 1st-4th, 2009.

The Presentation covers PrettyFaces basics, Search Engine Optimization, Rethinking Navigation, and Dynamic ViewIds:
September 20th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyTime 1.0.4 Released

PrettyTime 1.0.4 – Elapsed Timestamp Formatting for Java now supports additional Locales:

Supported locales:

  • English – DEFAULT
  • French – FR
  • German – DE
  • Chinese – ZH_CN
  • Portugese – PT
If you have a resource bundle for another locale, or would like to create one, please email it to:
September 14th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

JSF2: How to add the magic of EL (EL2) to JSF

Ever wonder why you can’t pass parameters to EL method-expressions? Well, now you can, and it’s easy to incorporate!

September 14th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

JSF’s <h:dataTable> vs <ui:repeat> – How to get the selected row.

So, a little while ago I was attempting to use JSF’s Facelets <ui:repeat> tag, as a replacement for <h:dataTable>, but difficulty came when I needed to process actions on individual records of each row. <ui:repeat> allows iteration over a List of Array[] of items, but it does not provide a method of discovering the “selected” or “actioned” row; there’s no way to discover the row the user is interacting with. Or is there?
September 10th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

JSF2: How to Create a Global Ajax Status Indicator

So, one of the best ways I know of to tell a user that they should be waiting for something to finish, is by setting the cursor to ‘wait’. It’s how desktop applications do it. It’s how the operating system does it… it’s how ajax should probably do it (if you want to solve the user wait interaction globally.) With JSF2, it’s easy to accomplish!