August 30th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

Calling All PrettyFaces Users!

Are you using PrettyFaces on a project you can share about?

Looking for real-world experiences:
  • How has PrettyFaces helped you or your team?
  • What would you change if you could (you can)?
  • If you would like to share, show us your work of art!
Email to: Thank you! PS – In addition: If you’d like to be added to our new “People using PrettyFaces” page, also send a logo and a short description of your product or company!
August 24th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

PrettyFaces JSF1.1 UrlRewriting Support – Released


A new version of PrettyFaces for JSF1.1 (historical support) is now available for download. This version is feature-complete, but we are looking for feedback on compatibility and functionality that may be broken with various implementations, so please post comments!