February 15th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

Un-Documented JSF: Reference

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Java Server Faces is currently full of relatively undocumented features and behavior. As part of the JSF2 release, OcpSoft is working with a few folks at Seam/Redhat to try to address these issues and provide better documentation.
February 10th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

Java Server Faces 2.0 is in Good Hands

“The community was speaking, but until recently, nobody was listening.”

A lot has changed since May 15, 2001, when the first ballot review of the JSF 1.0 framework was just beginning. To this day, Sun’s flagship web-application framwork has been an uncompromising box of tricks and gotchas, with little community adoption. This has been mostly due to its relatively developer-unfriendly nature; however, the second phase is coming, and with JSF2.0 peeking out from the edge of its nest, a new life is beginning to show.
February 4th, 2009 by Lincoln Baxter III

Ocpsoft PrettyFaces is in Maven!

Maven JSF users can be relieved, PrettyFaces is now in the Maven central repository: To include PrettyFaces in a Maven project, add the following dependency to your POM.

<dependency> <groupId>com.ocpsoft</groupId> <artifactId>ocpsoft-pretty-faces</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> </dependency>

Special thanks to Ryan DeLaplante at http://www.ryandelaplante.com for helping me get this set up! He wrote the initial POM and helped me to get started learning Maven… now I’m hooked.